Lord of Ninth , tenth , eleventh, twelveth house, effect of the planet Sun in the house.........17

Sun - with equal
height, short hair, strong bones, bile nature, thin yellow eyes like straight
looking / walking honey, mixed color of night and black, matte body,
quarrelsome and goofy face.
Moon - has a beautiful
shape, attractive face, white complexion, fickle nature, vata nature, body with
a lot of blood, sweet-speaking, compassionate, loving friends, round shape and
ugly body.
Mars - short body,
always looking young, fearful eyes, violent nature, bile nature, playful
night-night pigment, more fun, hard to get on the control soon.
Murcary -
Normal-looking, sweet-spoken, with nerve-appearing, lubricated, changing
characters, working skills, vata, phlegm, bile nature, hairy nature, always
happy, and the skin is thick.
Jupiter - Intelligent, matte and tall body, phlegm nature, white
and pale complexion, with a lot of hair on the body, the amount of blood in the
body is high, his eyes are pale and straight.
Venus - The body of
the body is weak, dependent on happiness, curly hair, attractive and beautiful
to look at, sweet-spoken, phlegm nature, black color, more fertile, more
productive ability to produce offspring.
Saturn - Thin and emaciated body, dark complexion, slanderous
nature, lazy nature, teeth and nails, hair with rough and dry looking
Rahu / Ketu - will be like Saturn.
When the planets are strong -
Sun, Venus, Jupiter - are
rebellious during the day.
Mercury - Strong in
both day and night.
Mars, Saturn, Moon - Strong at
Sin planets - Night is
strong or Krishna is strong.
Auspicious planets - are strong
on the side of Shukla.
planets are strong in their zodiac sign, in their zodiac sign, in their zodiac
sign, in their zodiac sign and in their zodiac sign. For example, Sun Ait Bar,
Chandra Sash Bar, Mars Tuesday etc.
Planets - Natural force -
most powerful of the planets is the Sun, followed by the Moon, Venus, Jupiter,
Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Rahu Ketu.
It is
considered good to have an auspicious planet in the center, but it is not
considered good to have an auspicious planet's house. However, both the planets
are considered good in the triangle.
It is better to have sin planets in the 3rd, 6th and
11th house, and not to have any planets in the 6th, 8th and 12th house.
The fourth house is the friend of the planet where it
The 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th senses are also called
Fanfar Sthan, similarly the 3rd, 6th and 12th senses are called autoclip and
the center is called Chatushtaya.
Zodiac signs Nature -
Aries zodiac signs-
night color, short body, strong at night with four legs, living in east
direction, dear friend of the king, wandering in the mountains, etc. Mars
Taurus zodiac signs- White color, long and matte body, having fourth position, strong at night, living in village house, preferring all environment, Vaishya caste, vata nature, surface, day virtue, land element, living in south direction and Venus is the lord.
Gemini zodiac signs - male and female twins, likes to associate with everyone, calm nature, two feet, strong at night, prefers to live in a secluded place in the village house Cough, vata, bile nature, air element, Vudh is the lord.
Cancer zodiac signs - Pink color, living in water and land, Raj Guni, Brahmin caste, having many feet, short and matte body, phlegm nature, strong at night, the lord is.
Leo zodiac signs - Pink color, Rajo virtue, having four legs, Shirdayai, Chhetri caste, having a matte body, bile nature, living in the east direction, strong in the day and the Sun is the lord.
Virgo zodiac signs - wandering in the forest mountains, solitary, strong in the day, strong-hearted, medium body, air element, hair disposition, picture variegated characters (mixed color) Baisya caste, wind nature, living in the south direction is the lord of Vudh.
Libra zodiac signs - Shirsh Dayai, strong in the day, Raj Guni, black Varna, lover of justice, Shudra caste, medium body, having two legs, Cuff in the west direction, or, bile nature Venus is the lord.
Scorpio zodiac signs- has many legs, short body, gentle nature, strong during the day, living in tree trunks and holes, living in water and land, giant body, living in north direction, phlegm nature and Mars lord.
Sagittariuszodiac signs - Raj-Guni, Pahel-Varna, Strong at night, Kshetri caste, having two feet at the beginning and fourth foot at the end, having the same body, living in the east direction, Agni element, radiant, bile nature, Jupiter is the lord.
Capricorn zodiac signs- Living on the ground and ground, you are virtuous, backwards, with a matte body, at first the fourth foot and at the end without legs, hard in the body, living in the south direction, Baisya caste, Vata Prakriti, Saturn is the lord.
Aquarius zodiac signs- Medium body with calm nature, two feet, strong during the day, dwelling in the water, Vata Prakriti, Shirshodai, Tamo Guni, Shudra caste, Kaalo Varna, Saturn is the lord of the west.
Min zodiac signs- strong in the day, Rajo Guni, water element, Brahmin caste, medium-bodied, without legs, living in the north, kapha nature Jupiter lord.
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